A complaint form can be downloaded and mail to “The CoCT Ombudsman” for an investigation and copied to your Area Sub Council Manager “Pat Jansen at Patricia.Jansen@capetown.gov.za” (this mail can be changed in future and/or different from area to area) for her/his immediate attention and a demand to a response from her/him at her/his earliest convenience. Attach all the support letters you can get from neighbours and forward it to your Area Sub Council Manager. Also e-mail a request to your RPA Chair for the RPA's immediate attention with a demand that the RPA addresses this on behalf of the Community. Also forward all your attachments with your letter of Complaint to the Ombudsman and Councillor in your area and make sure he/she attends to this immediately and also request so in your e-mail. The Ombudsman is bound by Law to attend to this problem and rectify things where CoCT Officials have exceeded their statute limitations.


The City, thru Sub Council Manager and the Councillor, is compelled by Law to shut the place down where the owner must vacate persons immediately within a reasonable period (normally 21 days) if the correct procedures were not followed in getting a proper building plan as set out in “The National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act (“NBA”)” and By-Laws. This is a Non Compliance Notice to Transgression of CoCT Municipal Laws. The owner (Builder) must have an Occupational Certificate and when they are stopped from continuing building, he/she must re-apply for the proper permissions to continue building and must go through a Public Participation process where all the neighbour's and Community can object. The Ombudsman is also now involved and the new process will be monitored by the Ombudsman and the owners (builders) will not be able to bypass thru the back door again.

This article is a general information sheet and should not be used or relied on as legal or other professional advice. No liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions nor for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information herein. Always contact your adviser for specific and detailed advice. Errors and omissions excepted (E&OE)